![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:16 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
a good guy without a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun
(i dont really have a point to make here... but i am pretty anti gun.. so rant away about how wrong i am if it makes you feel better)
that teacher deserves a medal.... and some cookies...and well pretty much everything
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:25 |
But what if a grizzly bear had gotten in the school while the shooting was going on?
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:30 |
Dude is a hero. Doesn’t matter what he used to stop the attacker, he got it done and with no fatalities. Outstanding.
Let me ask you a question, are you OK with police officers and/or soldiers having guns? If so, you are not anti-gun, you are simply pro-tyranny (it’s ok to shoot people when it’s carried out by authorized government agents, but not OK for private citizens).
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:31 |
Or a Moose!
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:37 |
dudes absolutely a hero
im absolutely ok with the military having guns they kinda need them to be able to do their jobs... im also ok with the police having guns (tho.. our police is properly trained)
and if a civilian needs a gun either to do their job or coz they live somewhere where they need one to protect their family or livestock from wild animals im ok with that too (if they just want it for shooting for funsies the gun should be stored at the gun range.. and i’d be ok with that too)
im not ok with having a gun just coz its your right or home protection
a safely stored gun wont do shit for home protection in the vast majority of cases
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:38 |
eh.... considering the teach got shot 3 times and still tackled the shooter.... im pretty sure he’d have knocked that grizzly out :p
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:44 |
I think this is the story you were thinking of. the teacher just tackled the kid.
Also, still not the reason I believe they should be legal. The goodguy/vs badguy is always kind of a farce, very few people have the training required.
This is why:
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:47 |
teacher got shot 3 times and tackled the kid... i dont think you give him enough credit
your dude just shot someone leaving after he was done shooting people
i mean props to him still... but its not the same thing
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:48 |
Thats some 2nd grade level reasoning you have there. Next you’ll tell me it’s elitist that only doctors can prescribe narcotics. Why’s the pilot flying the plane? He didn’t even buy a ticket?
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:49 |
To be honest, Citizen’s Arrest laws are more tyrannical than gun control legislation is.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:50 |
Police don’t have some kind of magical training that makes them any better shots than regular people (
Quite abysmal, actually)
. Spend an hour at the range every month and you’re probably a better shot than most police officers.
Doing their job? Protecting oneself and/or family from harm is everyone’s job.
A pistol in a holster on your hip is safely stored. How is that not an effective tool for home protection?
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:51 |
a good guy with
a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun
My brain skipped right over this. To my defense, I never see this phrase written like this.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:52 |
Right, cus prageru is a famously impartial youtube channel.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:53 |
Narcotic as a word shouldn’t exist, and prescriptions
be required for drugs.
You don’t need a pilots license or any training at all to (legally) fly an ultralight aircraft.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:54 |
Doesn’t change the quality of this video
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:55 |
lol no worries
i have a way of bastardizing english at times anyway... so ill take my share of the blame
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:56 |
you sleep with a pistol in a holster on your hip?
coz late at night is when home invasions happen
(unless your a criminal... in wich case they might come for you in broad daylight.... but then you’d probably not worry much about storing your gun safely)
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:58 |
I once went to a shooting practice with police officers in Mexico and I can agree they shoot like shit I shot faster and more accurately than half of them and I had much less experience. But on the other hand; you can’t drown in an empty swimming pool, if gun control was a bit tighter, you wouldn’t need to holster a gun
inside your house
as if you were in some sort of 24 episode.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 10:59 |
and on the police
our police do have guns... they rarely use them (substantial ammount of paperwork)
but when they do they tend to be pretty effective (suspects dont die very often either.... probably coz they only got shot once instead of 7 times)
im in the netherlands btw
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:00 |
No, I have a pistol on my nightstand though and a shotgun propped up against the wall, collecting dust. Perfectly safe because I have no children or strangers in my home. In the unlikely event I’m going to have people I don’t trust with my life in my home, I lock them up.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:06 |
No matter what kind of gun control is implemented, invariably the greatest mass murderers in history (governments and their agents) will still be heavily armed. Just about every gun control law ever passed has explicit exemptions for law enforcement and military.
And NO, I don’t trust them. I trust a police officer less than a random guy on the street, because they’re equally likely to be power hungry douchebags, but only one of them has the authority to fuck me over with impunity.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:07 |
well... you got me there
i mean.. its technically not safely stored (in a safe as it should be)
but if its just you... i cant really call it unsafe...
still.... one of the people you do trust could decide to go nutso (thats pretty much what happened with adam lanza and that kid the other day)
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:10 |
Here in Galicia, some assholes were becoming famous for using some sort of sedative on people while they slept so that they could rob their houses.
My neighbors here do have guns because we live in the fucking countryside, so does my grandfather, but that didn’t stop the criminals from invading three homes, and it never crossed our minds to use the hunting rifles for defense. If anything we made sure those were locked and the key was hidden in case our home was stricken.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:10 |
If one of the people I do trust decided to go nutso, they could far more easily use their own guns than go through the trouble of stealing mine!
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:13 |
lol.... ok good point
not being american i hadnt thought of that one
i yield
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:16 |
I guess guns make sense in America then, but from across the border to the south or even across the pond where I sit right now I don’t think they do.... at all.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:24 |
not being american i hadnt thought of that one
From my perspective, part of being a responsible adult means having the capability of controlling your emotions such that access to a deadly weapon like a gun or a car does not motivate you to use them to kill innocent people; If a person can’t be trusted with a gun, I hesitate to call them an adult, regardless of age.
Then again, I’ve never, not once in my life that I can remember, gotten so angry that I couldn’t control myself, so perhaps I’m just projecting my own sense of self control onto others who may not be capable of such. *shrug*
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:29 |
Actually nearly all residential break ins happen during the day
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:34 |
guns are legal here (its a pain to get a license for one.. have to be a member of a shooting range for at least a year and have a mandated ammount of hours training in that time... 18 i think... then you can apply for a license and possibly still fail the background check... but legal)
and we still had a mass shooting once
i agree with you... adults should be able to control their impulses and emotions
most cant apparently (and teenagers being all emotions and impulsions.... well they just shouldnt have guns)
i shouldnt have a gun either.... i wont murder anyone.... but i’d probably shoot meself on a bad day (migraines and lack of sleep lead to poor decision making)
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:35 |
Well, it actually does. You see this teacher is, as any law teacher, biased towards his ideas. It’s why he explains some words as understood before, and not others like “bear arms.”
In that era it was understood that “to bear arms” was to participate in an militia,.
Also, how does the term “state” apply to the country “The United States of America” and not the states that it is made out of? To think that the founders conflicted the definition of that word in one of the very first documents to be written is laughable. In my biased opinion, the second amendment is meant to protect the right of local and state police to exist. In a sense sanctuary cities and legalized pot could be part of the second amendment, to the states where those two are common, many federal regulations could result “tyrannical”
IMHO law is open to discussion, and in the end this guy is right, the government listens more to the people than it does to the documents (It’s not like the US federal Government respects
of the notions of the founders except some selected few) and it will be the
public’s pressure
that changes the laws eventually.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 11:42 |
well yeah... when people arent home
dont really need home defense when your not there tho
![]() 05/26/2018 at 13:54 |
The lack of required shoot no shoot training is the problem with this argument. Additional regulations on gun ownership being pro tyranny is some serious straw man crap.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 14:50 |
I thought we had a designated place for political stuff that wasn’t Oppo... Cigar Lounge, or something like that?
![]() 05/26/2018 at 15:29 |
sounds bout right.... no one cares apparantly
i’ll try not to do this again
![]() 05/26/2018 at 23:24 |
I get so frustrated by these lines of thinking.
I’m sure you and plenty of other people are perfectly responsible gun owners. I don’t give a flying fuck about someone having a gun if they store it properly and safely and use it responsibly. Have fun.
What I do fear, however, are all the people who don’t do that. People who give guns to their kids and not teach them proper safety, or leave their guns somewhere easily accessible so their kids can take them and commit atrocious acts.
It’s infuriating that there’s no middle ground in the gun debate. Too many anti-gun people want to just eradicate guns, which isn’t a solution, yet so few pro-gun advocates are willing to take any measure at all to improve gun safety on the whole. The buck is passed, blame is placed elsewhere, and I have to sit here and just be completely unsurprised every time innocent children are fucking murdered because we did nothing the last time.
![]() 05/26/2018 at 23:33 |
Gun owners don’t want to compromise because “compromise” in the context of gun control, means “we give up rights for nothing in return.” That’s not compromise, that’s surrender.
If they tabled a bill that implemented non-registration universal background checks but also repealed the 1934 NFA, I’d be for it.
![]() 05/27/2018 at 08:00 |
The constitution gives you a right to have guns, but says nothing about the nature of that ownership. Restricting how you get them and requirements for getting them in the first place doesn’t take away your tight, only your convenience.
It’s honestly despicable that you’re so desperate to have them that you’ll completely ignore the potential danger they pose. Anyone should have them and do whatever they want with them, I guess.
![]() 05/27/2018 at 11:04 |
Correction #1: The constitution does not give rights, it merely protects natural-born rights. Everyone on the planet has a right to keep and bear arms, most governments simply infringe/prohibit said right.
Correction #2: It indeed says a lot about the nature of that ownership, to the effect that the right is tied to a well regulated militia, which in contemporary usage means well equipped defense force composed of private citizens. The Founding Fathers abhorred the idea of a standing army during peacetime, and trusted the defense of the nation to all of its abled-bodied citizens who were armed equally to a contemporary military institution. In effect, machine guns, surface to air missiles, tanks, and artillery pieces are
what the founding fathers want protected by the 2nd amendment (see also: United States v. Miller). It does not protect hunting or sporting arms; only arms of military use.
Correction #3: Restricting who can get them and how IS an infringement on said right, whether justified or not. Literacy tests administered up till 1965 were used to prevent black people from voting. and were also an infringement of the right to vote
You are spot on about “Anyone should have them,” but I don’t ignore the potential danger. Guns are meant to be dangerous, they are force multipliers. They only enhance the ability of a person to administer force against something or someone. The mere presence of a gun itself is not going to compel someone to harm another. Since people are by & large not sociopaths, that force multiplication is a good thing. Anyone who can’t be trusted with access to a gun, shouldn’t be considered an adult in society.